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JadeExpert pays much attention to the color. Color is not only an important standard to evaluate the quality of the jade, the main basis but also divide jade species. She Taicui's color is not all kinds of jade in the leader,replica cartier jewelry but its unique rich colors also prized.Compared to She Taicui, color and other areas of jadeite color more,high quality replica cartier jewelry since a series. She Taicuiyu has three basic colors of white, blue, green, and some transition colors,mens replica cartier jewelry such as blue and white, gray, green beans, green, and so on. The industry legend she too Tsui.White jadeA match Hetian jade jade, jade has said. Talk. Is extremely precious high-grade jade.
The absolute hardness, also called indentation hardness. According to the mineral surface can withstand the weight determination. She Taicui Mohs hardness is 6.9 ~ 7.2, a slight difference between different varieties. In general,top replica cartier jewelry white jade hardness is slightly larger than the jade. The jewelry industry in general the hardness as an important sign of division of gems and jades. Stone hardness of the general in 7.3 degrees above the Mohs hardness in general,replica cartier jewelry china jade Mohs 4 ~ 7.2 degrees, she too Tsui hardness, polishing is good, easy to store, has a certain value to the collection.
Density is the weight per unit volume of jade. She Taicui's weight was determined by body weight by sample, 2.65 ~ 2.85. Different varieties of slightly different, white jade is 2.85,Light greenish white jade2.65, green 2.75.Luster is the jade to the light reflection ability. She Taicui sheen genusGlass luster.

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